Underneath (almost) all Ruby web application lies the Rack architecture. With minimal interface, it is simple to write a middleware. Let's see how to test it.
A middleware is anything which responds to call
method (duck-typing).
Aside: Lambdas and procs in Ruby can be executed with .call
so they can be middlewares as well.
Our example middleware allows requests to pass through only if the required headers are present:
class BlockActions
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
unless env["HTTP_X_CLIENT"] == "mobile" && env["HTTP_X_MOBILE_USER_ID"]
return [
400, # status
{ "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, # headers
["Invalid Request"] # response body
Now in order to test this, we have to write integration tests which is fine, but they are slow. Especially if you want to benchmark the middleware to see if it is not doing some nasty thing in some edgecase that bumps up your response times.
As described before, rack middleware is a simple class with call method. Let's test it in isolation:
We need 2 things: the middleware instance & env to be passed in. Middleware instance is simple class instance, but to create env, we will use MockRequest
Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", method: :get)
Our middleware does not care about routes so it might as well be:
Putting it into specs:
describe BlockActions do
# Mock env to pass in middleware
let(:env) { Rack::MockRequest.env_for }
# dummy app to validate success
let(:app) { ->(env) { [200, {}, "success"] } }
subject { BlockActions.new(app) }
it "allows if client & user-id headers are present" do
env["HTTP_X_CLIENT"] = "mobile"
status, _headers, _response = subject.call(env)
expect(status).to eq(200)
it "does not allow if client is missing" do
status, _headers, _response = subject.call(env)
expect(status).to eq(400)
it "does not allow if mobile-user-id is missing" do
env["HTTP_X_CLIENT"] = "mobile"
status, _headers, _response = subject.call(env)
expect(status).to eq(400)
it "does not allow if client is not mobile" do
env["HTTP_X_CLIENT"] = "jared"
status, _headers, _response = subject.call(env)
expect(status).to eq(400)
Because these are unit tests they run pretty fast:
Finished in 0.03861 seconds (files took 0.09118 seconds to load)
4 examples, 0 failures
This approach allows us to test all cases & also benchmark the middleware.
All code from this blog can be found in this executable script.